Entrance Gate to Martin's Cove Site

Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct 7This week has been a whirlwind affair. So much to do and not much time. Well, the wells are done and I just have to make out my report to place in the records of Martin's Cove Historic Site.
However, during this week and the cold snap several hydrants in the missionary village have frozen and need attention tomorrow and the next day.
Several couples have been given an early departure because their service was no longer needed. The rest of us have to wait, to finish our work, and then let go on the eleventh, this coming Thursday morning. We are trying to make the whole trip in one fell swoop.
This summer the well at handcart parking gave us some problem with sand. I got a good crew together and we pulled the pitcher/hand pump, 32 feet, and then let down our submersible pump to 85 feet. We pumped for two hours and for the first half the water was deep brown. At the end of our pumping the water was crystal clear and tasted great. Then we reinstalled the pitcher pump and all is ready to go for next trek season. To sterilize the water for consumption I added eight half inch HTH pills to each well. That will keep stuff from growing in there.
Saturday we watched/listened to three sessions of conference which were wonderful and informative. It is great to have a new temple announced for Tucson, AZ and another place in Peru which I can't spell. The other announcement by our prophet was the changing of ages for our young missionaries. Young men are now eligible at eighteen and the young women at nineteen. That is a welcome change because we tend to lose a few during that first year out of school, high school that is.
Almost time to go to the homestead and be there when the "Music and the Spoken Word" starts. After the first session we will have our last potluck and this time it will be a real "potluck", everyone is cleaning out their fridges for the last meal together.
The potluck was a grand affair. Every type of food was represented. We took some home canned London Broil in a nice tasty sauce. It went real fast as did everything else.
Then we watched the afternoon session of the 182nd General Conference and went back to our "box". We also are using the fridge in the empty trailer next door which makes it easier for us. We have not yet received the new cooling pipes for our Norcold RV refrigerator. Don't know when they will show up, but we will not be here and the parts will have to chase us down.

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